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Plasterboard Filler

Product Snapshot

Product description
A high brightness (reflectivity) (77/100 raw, >93/100 calcined) kaolin, with 50% of particles finer than 2 μm, low alkalis (K2O ~0.72%, Na2O ~0.10%), low iron content (~0.34% after magnetic separation, potentially lower with bacterial beneficiation), low titanium (~0.26%), high alumina (~35.1%), and a well ordered, crystalline structure.
Product uses
Used as a filler in the manufacture of various types of white plasterboard.
Annual market demand
Domestic: 12,000 tpa.
International: 1,500,000 tpa.
Current domestic sources
Unimin Australia, Gulgong.
Sale price, ex-bin
180.00 - 200.00 (AUD/t)
Sales tagets (tpa)
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Market proportion
Domestic: 100.0% at full production.
International: Not considered for export.