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Environmental Impact Statement

In July 2003, Sydney Construction Materials lodged a Development Application and accompanying Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) with the NSW Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources (DIPNR) for the Newnes Junction Sand Extraction and Kaolin Mining Project.

Use the links below to view the EIS. Alternatively, you can click here to download the entire EIS in one file (18,912 kB pdf).

Declaration (78 kB pdf)

Table of Contents (127 kB pdf)

1. Executive Summary (482 kB pdf)

2. Introduction and Planning (475 kB pdf)

3. Description of the Proposed Development (2,381 kB pdf)

4. Project Justification and Alternatives (263 kB pdf)

5. Land Use and Environmental Effects (956 kB pdf)

6. Emissions and Environmental Effects (2,258 kB pdf)

7. Social and Economic Considerations (118 kB pdf)

8. Environmental Management and Considerations (351 kB pdf)

References (93 kB pdf)

Abbreviations and Glossary (87 kB pdf)

Appendix A: Director General's Requirements (475 kB pdf)

Appendix B: Authority Correspondence (939 kB pdf)

Appendix C: Processing of the Kaolin Ore (148 kB pdf)

Appendix D: Flora and Fauna (2,606 kB pdf)

Appendix E: Archaeological Study (1,445 kB pdf)

Appendix F: Air Quality Study (760 kB pdf)

Appendix G: Noise Study (2,780 kB pdf)

Appendix H: Hydrogeological Assessment (1,065 kB pdf)